- 首頁
- 學校資料
- 各科組資訊
- 家教會
- 校友會
- 教育服務中心
- 幼稚園班組惡劣天氣停課安排
- 課程概覽
- 一般班組惡劣天氣上課安排
- 中心通告
- 教育服務中心活動花絮
- 學習天地
- 暑期學堂花絮
- 「暑期學堂」惡劣天氣上課安排
- 訓育及輔導
- 入學與升學
- 幼小同盟
Our school was filled with love and positivity during our recent English Day! Our students enjoyed various interesting activities.
Models On Stage
Our talented and confident young models owned the stage, struck poses and introduced themselves dressed up as their chosen characters. Models On Stage provided them a platform to showcase their language skills, public speaking abilities, and most importantly, to promote LOVE.
Fun Carnival Games
Students enthusiastically participated in the booth games, which helped them learn to show love and care for friends and family, learning as well as nature.
Parent volunteers and student helpers played games with everyone in English too. They had so much fun!
Classroom English Activities
Students created crafts together to express their love for their friends, family, learning, and the environment.
The energy and excitement throughout the day were truly infectious. Let's celebrate the spirit of love together!
Event Photos